This is a list of words in English that you can add an ‘o’ or an ‘a’ at the end
and they will actually translate to Spanish.
English | Spanish |
car | carro |
sex | sexo |
act | acto |
large | largo |
product | producto |
telephone | telefono |
cost | costo |
liquid | líquido |
program | programa |
Atlantic | Atlántico |
automatic | automático |
democratic | democrático |
didactic | didáctico |
fanatic | fanático |
gymnast | gimnasta |
scholastic | escolástico |
linguistic | linguístico |
lunatic | lunático |
optimistic | optimístico |
patriotic | patriótico |
romantic | romántico |
sarcastic | sarcástico |
argument | argumento |
monument | monumento |
sacrament | sacramento |
sentiment | sentimiento |
suplement | suplemento |
testament | testamento |
classic | clásico |
comic | cómico |
electric | eléctrico |
cosmic | cósmico |
Now that you know, please do not say, stop’o, school’o, or lunch’o
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